An int that indicates the current cursor type, which can be one of the following values. I want to understand what this sensitive to changes to the data that underlies the resultset from javadoc means. Specify the scrollsensitive type for the result set to be scrollable and sensitive to underlying changes. In jdbc resultset interface are classified into two type nonscrollable resultset in jdbc. Only ways i am aware of are using java code, or using the jdbcgetconnection activity and using the object reference from that in java code activities. Positioning and processing in scrollable result sets oracle docs. The membership, order, and column values of rows are. Jdbc resultset scroll insensitive type example through this resultset type the cursor can move in any direction. Driver, it is only an interface and it is available in jdk. Here we are providing you the complete knowledge regarding the jdbc topics as well as subtopics in a tabular format. As name suggest, this type can only move forward and are nonscrollable.
They are the parameters set to request the driver, but the driver may not support and return defualt resultset which is not updatable anf only forward scrollable. Scrollable, insensitive and readonly resultset example lets see a complete example program. The changes are made visible if both types are closed and then reopened. However, let me clear the explanation as why this is happening. Specify the scrollinsensitive type for the result set to be scrollable but not sensitive to. This type of resultset is insensitive to the changes that are made in the database i. Scroll type constant there are 3 scroll type constants can be used with resultsets. The result set reflects changes made to the underlying data source while the result set remains open. Then it asks if the user wishes to update, delete or insert row type y to confirm. For example, with oracle, the class implements the interface java.
To summarize, the following three result set types are available with jdbc 2. In jdbc 2 rows can be directly updated in resultset and the same will be reflected in database. Jdbc compatibility table a1 shows compatibility among the jdbc specification versions, java virtual machines, and the bea weblogic type 4 jdbc drivers. Currently scrollable result sets are created using standard cursors while prepared statements are created using stored procedures, so its pretty difficult to mix these two. By default a resultset interface is nonscrollable, in nonscrollable resultset we can move only in forward direction that means from first record to last record, but not in backward direction, if you want to move in backward direction use. To do the same we use updatable resultset which is done by passingresultset. Resultset sensitive and concurrent updatable problem jdbc. Scrollable, insensitive and readonly resultset example. Which result set generally does not show changes to the underlying database that are made while it is open. You can use setget in combination with javas primitive types int for int.
Just for a change, thin driver type4 is used in this code. Retrieving and modifying values from result sets the java. Furthermore, the contenders have to practice the jdbc quiz to make themselves perfect in that topic of the programming language. It allows the user to enter a row number to see the details of that row. The following syntax are use for initialize the statement object to create a scroll sensitive, read only resultset object. It means that if some thread modifies the data in the database which resultset currently holds wont impactchange the already opened resultsets data. To summarize, the following result set types are available with jdbc 2.
Sensitive as the second argument, and then set a parameter to that statement by name, executing that statement throws java. An integer that indicates the result set type, which can be one of the following values as defined in java. When the informix driver cannot support the requested result set type or concurrency, it automatically downgrades the cursor and generates one or more sqlwarnings with detailed information. The jdbc driver supports the following cursor types. As with other features that doesnt work you must read the documentation before using them. Jdbc type scroll insensitive and sensitive stack overflow. When you design a schema, select the data type that can be processed most efficiently. Which merely means that it would be sensitive to the changes made by others in the same resultset object. Ok, those are oracle database specific, but it shows an example of downgrading.
Specify the scroll insensitive type for the result set to be scrollable but not sensitive to underlying changes. The constant indicating the type for a resultset object that is scrollable and generally sensitive to changes made by others. An int that indicates the result set type, which can be one of the following values as defined in java. Stack overflow for teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. It is sensitive which means result set that reflect changes made. The informix driver supports scrollsensitive result sets, scrollinsensitive result sets, and updatable result sets. If the specified result set type or concurrency type is not feasible, the oracle jdbc driver uses the following rules in choosing alternate types. Jdbc tutorial on designing performanceoptimized jdbc applications. Jdbc resultset scroll insensitive type example roseindia. Here type represents the type of scrollability and mode represents either read only or updatable.
Rows are retrieved from the server in blocks that are specified by the fetch. It is insensitive which means result set that does not reflect changes made while it is still open. The following program executes a sql select statement to retrieve all rows from the table student in a mysql database schema named college. Understanding cursor types sql server microsoft docs. The following tables list the members that are exposed by the sqlserverresultset. I made many tests since last week, and unfortunately i was wrong with my statement it seems that the description in the documentation is still right about setfetchsize. For any changes done to the table columns or data we will need a new resultset. Typescrollinsensitive result set does not show changes to. Now we will run this example and see which type of resultset used. This type is scrollable which means the cursor can move in any. The value of type and the modes are present in resultset interface as constant data members and they are. It is advised to go through the postings scrollable resultset and resultset types and concurrency as they are used in this code.
The following syntax are use for initialize the statement object to create a scrollsensitive, read only resultset object. Sqlserverresultset members sql server microsoft docs. Also, the aspirants who are left with the shortage of time and even unable to find the appropriate jdbc mcq online test details can go down this article. Thus, you have to download library driver compatible with the type of database you want. Sql and java jdbc jdbc is a java api for database connectivity it is not the same as odbc but implements a similar specification jdbc enables programmers to write java applications that connect to a database.
Sensitive cursors are the preferred scrollable cursor model for dynamic situations when the application cannot afford to buffer the data. The type of a resultset object determines the level of its functionality in two areas. Jdbc resultset scroll sensitive type example roseindia. This program demonstrates how to use scrollable result sets with jdbc. Specify the scrollinsensitive type for the result set to be scrollable but not sensitive to underlying changes. Retrieves the cursor type of this sqlserverresultset object. It is sensitive which means result set that reflect. Specify the scroll sensitive type for the result set to be scrollable and sensitive to underlying changes. The result set reflects changes made to the underlying data source while the result set.